Free Breakfast Seminar – Investigations
Event Description
Workplace litigation is on the increase. Never has it been more important to ensure investigations (whether disciplinary, grievance or whistleblowing investigations) are fair and legal. Not only can a thorough investigation help to manage emotions of the parties’ involved, but it can also play an essential part in resolving a workplace dispute without exposing the employer to litigation.
The perils of a flawed investigation can be far-reaching – costly in terms of reputation, litigation risk and budget. This breakfast briefing will highlight the legal requirements and best practical tips for undertaking a fair investigation.
Who should attend?
Anyone likely to be involved in undertaking workplace investigations:
- Team Leaders
- Managers
- HR Professionals.
What will be included in the session?
What does the law say about…
- What exactly needs to be investigated?
- Who should be appointed to investigate? Internal or external investigator?
- What records / notes need to be kept?
- Who needs to be interviewed?
- Can an investigator use emails / CCTV footage / social media activity?
- What questions need to be asked?
- How to balance one person’s word against another’s?
- When do you need expert evidence?
- Personal Investigator?
What can you do in practice?
- Interview techniques – how to ask difficult questions?
- How to deal with informal conversations?
- How to deal with employees who do not want to be interviewed / want to remain anonymous?
- How to deal with competing interests?
- Reasonable adjustments?
- Location of meetings?
- Recordings of meetings?
- What happens if the investigation is challenged?
- Subsequent hearings
- Re-investigation vs Review
- Litigation
- Witness evidence
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